Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Two Very Fast Months in London

I've been in London for nearly two months. I've seen some music but wanted to comment on the comedy that i've managed to catch and a couple of projects i'm getting involved in.

The Three Englishmen
These guys have played at Edinburgh Fringe and to be quite honest I nearly pissed myself. We were rammed into a small room and my chances of getting to the toilet were minimal. My particular favourite was a blind chemist sketch that they did to the tune of goldfinger.

John and Ollie actually supported the four englishmen with just an accordion and a tambala (is that what it's called, the drum you sit on and hit in different places). They have insane story based songs and
harmonies tighter than a gnats chuff. Brilliant!

Darius Davies
Verbal diarrhea springs to mind. I tried to regurgitate his 5 minute set at The Laughing Horse heats to so many people and they've just given me funny looks so just check out his youtube page.

Summer 2011 will see the third Spicestock festival at Belle eau Park in Nottinghamshire. It's early doors for promo but there will be some seriously mint acts this time around. Be sure to follow @spicestock on twitter for initial going ons.

Null&Void Radio

In the New Year there will be a relaunch from the guys that bought you Best Friends on LSRFM and The Waiting Room on Camden's Roundhouse Radio. Null&Void will have very funny guests, musical comedy, new music and best of all, the two dafthead presenters. Check out @null__void on twitter.

Enough comedy, I've just moved into my new gaff in London. This basically means I have my own place to write again so expect some stuff in the new year. Check out the people above and I promise to try and keep writing here.

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