Saturday 4 December 2010

Mark Twain, What A Man!

I'm currently finishing off a song about Mark Twain. This amazing being wrote Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer as well as numerous travel books. My fascination with him is more based around the life he led and his satirical outlook in a rapidly developing world. Take a read of his Wikipedia page and you'll quickly notice that this is no ordinary soul. His books are classic and you can live your life by his one liners. I love the song that I've written, it needs a couple more lines and it's likely to become a set finisher. Incidentally his autobiography was released last month. He declared it would be released 100 years after his death...what kind of person in their right mind would do that!? Mark Twain, that's who.

P.S. I want that moustache.

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